There Is A Truth To Student Loans: The Facts That No One Has Discussed.
November 3, 2022 ⚊ 1 Min read ⚊ Views 106 ⚊ BUSINESSAs per United Aid Group, most graduate students join the $100k club, and membership is increasing rapidly. Half of those with professional degrees — think dentists, lawyers, doctors — owe at least $100,000; 20 percent owe $200,000 or up, according to the College Board reports. This doesn’t even include the debt they incurred during their undergraduate studies. Regarding borrowers with an advanced degree who started paying off loans in 2014, 20 percent owed more than $100,000, up from 8 percent back in 2000, claims Adam Looney, an economist at the Brookings Institute.
Tags: United Aid Group